Mar 14, 2025, 03:00 PM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!


Started by AutoHandler, Aug 30, 2021, 04:08 PM

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In-game Nickname: mätt#4206

   Forum username: noobtube59

   Why were you banned ?:
   cause im a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   because i am no longer a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server

   Extra Information:
   i took a harassment prevention learning guide to get my most recent job and this means i am 100% qualified to be unbanned now
Are you banned? Click here to request an unban.


Hey mätt#4206! Quic requested that you wait a month before submitting another unban request.

Feel free to post an unban request on September 14th, 2021!  :cake: