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[Guide] How the ranks are being given

Started by Towelie, Mar 06, 2011, 06:41 PM

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Mar 06, 2011, 06:41 PM Last Edit: Apr 18, 2020, 10:23 PM by xJimJam
By popular demand, I will explain how each rank is granted. Note that this post was originally made for the Survival server.

:diamondblock: Normal Ranks :diamondblock:

[Untrusted] - Untrusted is for players that have been banned and have done something to the community that makes them unable to be trusted by staff. These players can only use /spawn and /tpaccept.
Their time as Untrusted is decided by the Moderator+ that banned them.
An Admin can change their rank back to normal when their time is up.

[Guest] - Default rank when a new user joins
                                /kit starter
                                  /warp create <name>
                                  /warp pcreate <name>
                                  /warp help

[Member] - This rank is given to guests who have registered on the forums and played on the server for at least 24 hours (check with /pstats). It is free to be upgraded in uptime ranks EXCEPT TYCOON Just type /rankup <RANK>
                                /kit member
                                  /kit farm

[Veteran] - Rank awarded to Members that have at least 200 hours uptime.
                                /kit veteran

[Elite] - Rank awarded to Veterans that have at least 500 hours uptime.
                                /kit elite

[Tycoon] - Rank awarded to Veterans or Elites that have at least 500 hours uptime. This rank costs 10 Million emp to rankup
                              /kit tycoon
                                /kit elite

[Legend] - Rank awared to Elites that have over 1,000 hours uptime and is very dedicated players that have been here for over 2 years (decided by TowelieDOH).
                              /kit legend
                                BCV permissions
                                Vanity pack

There are also other legend ranks that were recently added. These are for the super dedicated players of the server.
[Legend2] - 2 year old forum account and at least 1500h uptime on Survival.
                              /kit legend2

[Legend3] - 3 years old forum account and at least 2000h uptime on Survival.
                              /kit legend3
                                /jumpto (compass)

[Legend4] - 3 years old forum account and at least 3000h uptime on Survival.
                              /kit legend4
                                Big warp pack

[Legend5] - 4 years old forum account and at least 3500h uptime on Survival.
                              /kit legend5

[Jesus] - A rank for ledfarmer911 only.
[Architect] - Awarded to the Architects of SFT, they are in charge of building Server Attractions and Spawn Towns.
                                    /head (used for Towelie approved attractions)

[YouTuber] - Rank awarded to people who make a video of SFT (mentioning the server ip and website) and have over 2000 views on that video (In a month after the video has been posted).

:diamondblock: Donation Ranks :diamondblock:

[Donator] Rank obtained only by donating!! (Use button on the main page to donate) Awarded for donations of at least 5 euros. Or Purchasing the rank from the donator shop, by purchasing the "Donator" pack

[Contributor] - Rank purchasable from the donator shop. Only awarded to people who purchase the "Contributor" pack

[Benefactor] - Rank purchasable from the donator shop. Only awarded to people who purchase the "Benefactor" pack.

[Philantropist] - Rank purchasable from the donator shop. Only awarded to people who purchase the "Philantropist" pack.

[Sponsor], [Grinch] or [SantaClaus] - Rank purchaseable from the donator shop. Only awarded to people who purchase the tier 5 pack.

Link to the donator shop:

:diamondblock: Staff Ranks :diamondblock:
[EventHost] - This rank is given to chosen players with 500h+ that have been an active SFT player for at least 12 months, preferably an ex-staff member, and have good uptime of about ~7h+ weekly. Please refer to:,48526.msg305372.html#msg305372

[JMod] - This rank is rewarded to players who stand out from the community, and who are overall helpful and maintain an uptime of at least 7 hours/week. The entire staff team will decide who gets to become a JMod, and asking for it, will only decrease your chances.

[Mod] - The rank after JMod, only given to very good JMods.

[Developer] - Awarded only to people who have done outstanding work for the community (such as design our website/forum/banners or code plugins/web applications)

[Specialist] - Awarded to Managers that have stepped down who have been on the team for 6 months OR Mods that have stepped down who have been on the team for 12 months.

[Sheep] - Is only for a very special sheep named Pimmert. Some say he got the rank for eating Towelie's grass on his yard. But we may never know.  :sheep:

[Reaper] - Is only for a very special Reaper named RallyReaper.

[Noob] - Is only for a very special Noob named Loggles.

[ToweliesB!tch] - Is a rank for only Shanikewajones.

[Manager] - Special rank only given to very extraordinary and professional Mods who go above and beyond what is required of them.

[Elder] - Awarded to Admins that have retired honorably. 

[Admin] - No  :P

[Owner] - Owns the server.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff)
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


~ SFTNews Rank
~ Better Brackets



- Removed SFTNews rank.
- Added Architect:zombie:


Quote from: xavidram on Dec 22, 2013, 09:37 AMThe internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.


That's America's Ass
Survival Elder


Removed /kit tools and /kit food and replaced it with /kit starter

That's America's Ass
Survival Elder


Removed kit torches and added the Grinch donator rank.

That's America's Ass
Survival Elder


That's America's Ass
Survival Elder


Quote from: SashaLarie on Apr 14, 2020, 10:56 AMSince there have been a lot of questions:

Tycoon: - now gains /kit tycoon
Tycoon kit: experience_bottle 3 | pumpkin_pie 3 | wolf_spawn_egg 1 (24h cooldown)

Legends - these are your new perks (old perks were not kept, so only what is here is in the kit)

Legend: BCV, Cookie, Vanity Pack
Legend 2: Personal Weather
Legend 3: Compass
Legend 4: Big Warp Pack /bus
Legend 5: /Heal /sandwich

In addition to that /kit legend /kit legend1 through legend5 were added as well.

Legend kit: experience_bottle 4 | pumpkin_pie 3 | oak_sign 16 | cookie 1 | stick 1 (24h)
Legend2 kit: experience_bottle 5 | golden_apple 2 | horse_spawn_egg 1  (24h)
Legend3 kit: experience_bottle 6 | pumpkin_pie 4 | parrot_spawn_egg 1 | compass 1 (48h)
Legend4 kit: experience_bottle 7 | golden_apple 2 | cat_spawn_egg 1 (48h)
Legend5 kit: experience_bottle 8 | pumpkin_pie 5 | donkey_spawn_egg 1 (48h)

 :redflower: :redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower:

:heart:You MUST learn to help yourself. Thats how you become stronger. :heart:


Apr 14, 2020, 06:03 PM #10 Last Edit: Apr 14, 2020, 08:24 PM by BluetigerESW
Updated permissions for Tycoon and Legend1-5
I enjoy the act of xD-ing, like if you agree


Updated some of the rank permissions and descriptions
Quote from: xavidram on Dec 22, 2013, 09:37 AMThe internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.


 :redflower: :redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower:

:heart:You MUST learn to help yourself. Thats how you become stronger. :heart: