Mar 12, 2025, 04:20 AM


Have a Super Fun Time!


Started by Smugworm3422, Apr 21, 2024, 01:06 PM

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Hey do you like relaxing?
Do you also like Fishing while relaxing?

Well have I got the game for you, it's called Fishing Planet.

I have this game on PS5 but if you also have it on ps4 you can hit me up an join me in game.

well now you maybe saying "oh but I don't have playstation plus so I can't play with you" well fun fact, you don't need playstation plus to be able to play this game with other people.

so if you fancy joining hit me up on discord Smugworm3422 or even hit me on on PSN Smugworm3422, this game is FREE as well so no need to pay for anything. If never played before don't worry it has a tutorial that can help and when you hit level 5 you can request to join my club by searching "Unique Fishermen" and we also now have a discord as well which has some helpful information and we are currently increasing the helpful information as we go and learn stuff ourselves.

If you do hit me up on Discord OR PSN please state that you are from SFT so i know who you are.

This is a FUN and Chill fishing club you should totally come an hang out sometime, you'll always see me fishing from 6pm UK time everyday except fridays and saturdays we're i dont start fishing till 7:30pm UK time but cant talk from roughly 10:30 - 11pm uk time

ALL are Welcome to join my fishing club
Foxes are Love, Foxes are Life