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Hiay (along with 7 other accounts on my IP)

Started by AutoHandler, Oct 16, 2023, 12:40 PM

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In-game Nickname: Hiay (along with 7 other accounts on my IP)

   Forum username: iiRampage

   Why were you banned ?:
   To the beloved SFT staff team,

I have decided to appeal my ban after half a year. I did not take action earlier because I was utterly disappointed with this ban and could not find the motivation to appeal something so silly (in my humble opinion). It has been a while so I'm typing all of this from my perspective on what happened. It all started that one faithful afternoon. I took a break from studying and decided to get on SFT to hop around the map for a bit, goof around, and look at stuff players had built. I wasn't really interacting with anyone on the server. Out of nowhere this person called Chromeda joined. I will address her with she/her pronouns since that is what she went by at the time. We had Discord servers and a Snapchat group in common and we conversed frequently along with other SFT players. When I saw that she joined I didn't say much and decided to wait and see if she knew that my Minecraft name is Hiay. After a bit she asked me something and I decided to respond with the phrase "please refrain from mentioning me" every time she said something directed at me. I don't remember why but it was funny to me at the time. After a while of going back and forth with the mentioning bit I decided to tp to her house. I started looking around the property and she kept following me. I moved outside her claim and put a poisonous potato in an item frame attached to burning nether rack.  She freaked out about it and called staff members, one of them being MasterX (shoutout to you if you're reading). I did not think much of it cause I thought she was joking around by treating something so trivial as a serious matter. Everyone hung out at the poisonous potato shrine for a bit and after a bit I destroyed the shrine and everyone went on with their day. After that I looked at chat and saw Chromeda trying to buy an ocean monument (a protected structure nobody has been able to buy in all the years I've been playing the server). It was funny to see someone beg to buy said structure for like 1 million while the blocks in the monument are far more valuable than that. I went to look for the monument to see what all the fuss was about. When I arrived there I saw MasterX and Chromeda flying around there. Once she saw me she freaked out once again. I built a wither with flower pots for heads next to the monument and she kept destroying it so I kept rebuilding it cause it was in a public unclaimed space next to a monument that did not belong to anyone. I was just flying around and looking at what was being said in chat. After that I went to do my own thing for a bit till it was time for the weekend event. That week's event was leafluck. Despite having luck in the name it requires skill and u most certainly need to be goated to win said event. When I arrived at the top of leafluck I saw Chromeda was there. When she saw me she got hostile again so I started spam clicking her and she started to run away. Since leafluck is a competitive game I started a little bit of banter by saying "you aint ready" and "u gonna get smoked bozo" something along those lines. I ended up winning 2 out of 3 times and had to flex my millies in chat on everyone that didn't win, yes that includes Chromeda. During the leafluck event she found out who I was and started going off at me (she does not like me because I argued with her for a while in those social media groups). I didn't swear and kept it pretty civil. After that altercation I went to do my own thing again. Now for the climax of this entire story, the dumb incident that got me banned. While frolicking around the Minecraft plains farming mob heads I noticed that Chromeda said the following:"someone come check out my lighthouse at /warp marslight" or something along those lines. This is a public invite for people to check your build out. Naturally I warped to the place and started looking at the OUTSIDE of the build. Chromeda saw me there and freaked out once again. Telling me to get the f*** out of her house while I only checked the outside. MasterX even said "04/30/2023 11:48 PM [Survival][Admin]MasterX70: i never saw Hiay in your house xD". I thought it was silly getting mad at me for not doing anything wrong and just visiting your public warp. This made me think she was just joking to get me in trouble. I was told to leave by Maya which I did. My curiosity got the best of me and I logged on a different account to check out the PUBLIC warp without having someone yell at me. She knew it was me and started getting mad at me for viewing her build once again. I thought this whole situation was so dumb but mildly entertaining so I logged on like 5 different accounts to check the PUBLIC warp out again. After the 5th account I got banned, ip banned to be exact. I had no idea that what I was doing was bannable cause I was just looking at someone's build. After I got ip-banned I tried to join with like 2 more accounts so the message "..... joined the game" would show up. I did not get on a VPN or tried to bypass in any shape or form. I could not believe I actually got banned for something like this so I just closed my game and waited a couple months to write this appeal.

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   Personally I don't think I did something bannable. I think the ban reason stated that I harassed her. I was just having fun and looking around her build and didn't have the intention to upset her. I will admit that during the leafluck games I did get a little too silly but she was saying more PG13 things than I did. During that entire SFT session I got told to go away like once so I don't think a PERMANENT IP BAN is justified. I apologize if I upset anyone by playing on the server and in the case of me getting unbanned, I'll just stick to interacting with friends only. Another reason of me applying for an unban is because a friend just bought Minecraft Java edition and I thought it would be fun to teach her on a server that has /fly and other things that make the game easier. To conclude this long appeal, I will be more considerate in the future and if someone appears to be upset I'll take it serious instead of thinking they are joking. I have learned from my mistakes and should stop visiting people's builds. If some details are unclear I'll be more than happy to discuss on discord (I'll attach my tag in the extra info). I'm also banned from the Discord so it would be nice to get some feedback about that whole thing after 2+ years too :P

Yours truly,

Hiay (Ramp)

   Extra Information:
   Discord: sohx
Are you banned? Click here to request an unban.


Hey Hiay!

The person who banned you is no longer staff, so I will be taking over this unban request.

You were banned for "Toxic Behavior. Harassing Players by Spamming SFT with Alt Accounts" while I was online with OJaxi, who banned you initially. If I remember correctly, that day itself was hectic online, as a lot of staff and players were online. However, I do remember this incident fairly well, as you joined with multiple accounts, which resulted in me and OJaxi agreeing on an IP ban for you.

As for my reply to your unban, I want to address a few things.

Quote from: AutoHandler on Oct 16, 2023, 12:40 PMWhen I saw that she joined I didn't say much and decided to wait and see if she knew that my Minecraft name is Hiay.
The incident started first on Discord and in-game where they asked if you were Simon and they continuously repeated asking you. To be fair with what you have said, they did ask you repeatedly and should have been stopped by staff for spamming the same question over and over. However, it was clear that you intentionally held back that information as a way to antagonize them in a situation where they expressed discomfort with you being near them.

Quote from: AutoHandler on Oct 16, 2023, 12:40 PMI did not think much of it cause I thought she was joking around by treating something so trivial as a serious matter.
Some things may be trivial to you, but not to others! It is important to understand that, especially on a SFT where one of our main objectives is to ensure that players are courteous and respectful to each other.

Quote from: AutoHandler on Oct 16, 2023, 12:40 PMTelling me to get the f*** out of her house while I only checked the outside. MasterX even said "04/30/2023 11:48 PM [Survival][Admin]MasterX70: i never saw Hiay in your house xD". I thought it was silly getting mad at me for not doing anything wrong and just visiting your public warp. This made me think she was just joking to get me in trouble. I was told to leave by Maya which I did. My curiosity got the best of me and I logged on a different account to check out the PUBLIC warp without having someone yell at me.
In this instance, I think the technicalities of whether or not you were inside Chromeda's house are unfair, as you had already been pestering them to the point where they were very agitated and most likely mispoke, instead meaning that you were to leave their entire protection alone. At this point, Chromeda had made it very clear over the past hour that they were uncomfortable with you being around them in-game, which should have told you they were not joking about their comments towards you. As for the public warp, they had already told you it was to one of their buildings, and therefore they reserve the right to not allow you to come to it. I want to be very clear in stating that if you are continuously told by staff to not return to a build or even by the player themselves, and you continue to do so, it is harassment.

Quote from: AutoHandler on Oct 16, 2023, 12:40 PMI was told to leave by Maya which I did.
I want to state that when you left, I did appreciate that you had accepted our judgment and had decided to leave the server to cool down.

Quote from: AutoHandler on Oct 16, 2023, 12:40 PMMy curiosity got the best of me and I logged on a different account to check out the PUBLIC warp without having someone yell at me. She knew it was me and started getting mad at me for viewing her build once again. I thought this whole situation was so dumb but mildly entertaining so I logged on like 5 different accounts to check the PUBLIC warp out again. After the 5th account I got banned, ip banned to be exact. I had no idea that what I was doing was bannable cause I was just looking at someone's build.
I clearly stated to you when I addressed you on your main account that "it is a public warp, but it is also Chrome's property, and they reserve the right to say who comes here, so please leave now", which is when you decided to leave and then eventually log off. However, by logging online and then teleporting to the warp again, you went against what I said to you and continued to harass Chromeda at their warp. As you state here, you were joining Survival with new accounts to intentionally harass a player, which is a very serious offense on SFT. At that point, the IP ban was decided between OJaxi and me, "Harassing Players by Spamming SFT with Alt Accounts".

Quote from: AutoHandler on Oct 16, 2023, 12:40 PMWhy should you be unbanned ?
Personally I don't think I did something bannable. I think the ban reason stated that I harassed her. I was just having fun and looking around her build and didn't have the intention to upset her. I will admit that during the leafluck games I did get a little too silly but she was saying more PG13 things than I did. During that entire SFT session I got told to go away like once so I don't think a PERMANENT IP BAN is justified. I apologize if I upset anyone by playing on the server and in the case of me getting unbanned, I'll just stick to interacting with friends only. Another reason of me applying for an unban is because a friend just bought Minecraft Java edition and I thought it would be fun to teach her on a server that has /fly and other things that make the game easier. To conclude this long appeal, I will be more considerate in the future and if someone appears to be upset I'll take it serious instead of thinking they are joking. I have learned from my mistakes and should stop visiting people's builds.
I have addressed in my above statements why what you did was bannable in detail, so please read through them thoroughly, as you deserve a full explanation as to why exactly you were banned. As for your apology and explanation as to why you should be unbanned, I appreciate that you are apologizing for your actions and that you have learned to be more considerate of others' feelings in the future. However, your apology does not mention that you are sorry for intentionally causing Chromeda distress, only that you caused people to be upset by playing online.

Quote from: AutoHandler on Oct 16, 2023, 12:40 PMI'm also banned from the Discord so it would be nice to get some feedback about that whole thing after 2+ years too
You posted an unban in September of 2022, which can be found by clicking here.

Over the years you have played on SFT, we have given you many chances, and you have been told multiple times to respect our fellow players as well as staff. This time there will not be another chance, as you were warned on your last unban that it was your final warning, so you will not be unbanned and please refrain from posting another in the future.

Discord Admin | Modded Mod
Survival Owner & Head of Staff