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Started by AutoHandler, Sep 21, 2021, 12:17 AM

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In-game Nickname: Roast-/-My-/-Toast#5108

   Forum username: Orco_

   Why were you banned ?:
   "Carrying on after being asked to stop, instigating, continuing after final warning" - and I'll admit it, you can probably add a dozen other things to that list

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   First of all I'd like to point out that I was only on warning 2/4, and should've been on 1/4 considering the second one should've been a mute, but I don't feel like arguing about that so whatever, it is what it is.


I'll be perfectly honest, I don't really care. by which I mean, I'm not going to lie my way to getting unbanned and try to sweet talk you with some fake sincere bs, I'd like to be unbanned sure, but at the end of the day if I do get unbanned, cool, if I don't, whatever, that's all there is to it. While I'm not super worried about getting unbanned, I actually am sorry for the rather extensive list of broken rules, offended players, displeased staff, etc. Plus at this point, I'm honestly so busy and stressed I just want to lurk and actually not cause problems this time around.

   Extra Information:
   It is also worth noting that I personally don't think I am a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server, but you know, not for me to decide. That is all, thank you.
Are you banned? Click here to request an unban.


Could I by chance get an update on this or..?


Apologies its taking a while, we should have a conclusion by the end of the day
BTeam Owner | Survival Admin | Creative JMod

Ex - Factions FMod | Prison Guard


Alright, ty, wasn't trying to rush it or anything, just trying to figure out what was going on


Hey Orco! I believe saywhat already talked to you but we've came to the conclusion to not unban you from the Discord server. However, feel free to post another unban request in 6 months from now.  :cake:

Apologies for the lack of communication from the Discord Admin Team.
