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Started by AutoHandler, Aug 13, 2021, 02:28 AM

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Aug 13, 2021, 02:28 AM Last Edit: Aug 13, 2021, 02:31 AM by Firelighttt
In-game Nickname: mätt#4206

   Forum username: noobtube59

   Why were you banned ?:
   cause im a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   because i am no longer a toxic piece of trash that is overwhelmingly negative and contributes nothing to the server

   Extra Information:
   for u pea brain idiots that think i ban evaded by making an alt discord account named "noobtube59" even tho at the time my mc ign wasnt even noobtube59, im not that dumb. If i was gonna create an alt account to ban evade it would obviously be something not related to me at all? like what kind of logic is that?
Are you banned? Click here to request an unban.


Aug 13, 2021, 12:49 PM #1 Last Edit: Aug 13, 2021, 03:54 PM by Autpek

Based on the insults in your unban I have to assume that you are totally not a "toxic piece of trash" anymore so I notified the team of your concerns and someone will get back to you. It might take a few days, a year, or even a decade since we have pea brains so I apologize in advance for your wait.



Quote from: Autpek on Aug 13, 2021, 12:49 PMMatt,

Based on the insults in your unban I have to assume that you are totally not a "toxic piece of trash" anymore so I notified the team of your concerns and someone will get back to you. It might take a few days, a year, or even a decade since we have pea brains so I apologize in advance for your wait.

firstly, dont take it darn seriously GAH DAMN. I didnt call you all pea brains, only the people that think im dumb enough to make an alt discord account named after my mc ign to attempt to ban evade.
secondly, I am not dumb enough to do that. Its pretty simple logic. Why would I make an unban request after that happened? I know that if it was actually me it would even take longer due to ban evading but it literally was not me.

but if u want to be petty and take everything i say 10000% seriously and to heart then go for it dawg


ill be petty, no unban

ask again in a month