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[Duels] A Basic Guide to the Duels Server

Started by BluetigerESW, May 27, 2021, 05:57 PM

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Decided to throw a quick guide to help you all understand the basics of the new Duels/Practice PvP server.
Hopefully this provides enough useful information to help you all get started!

What is it?
The duels server is meant is a place that you can practice different forms of pvp again other players or against our PvP Bot.

How do the ranks work?
The ranking system on Duels is based on your global elo.  Elo is a calculated number used to place you within a skill group where you can fight people with a similar elo rating.  Each player starts at 1000 elo and with the rank [BronzeI], and after each ranked match the winner gains 8 elo and the loser loses 8 elo rating.  The higher your elo rating is the better rank you'll have, but be careful, if you lose enough elo you can also de-rank to a lower ranking!  For a complete list of all the obtainable elo ranks you can do the command "/ranks" ingame.  You can just your elo any time by doing the command "/stats".  NOTE: If you don't want to risk losing elo you can play Unranked matches; however, keep if mind you cannot gain any elo from Unranked matches either!

Available Kits
There are many different kits ranging from Pot PvP, Soup PvP, Gapple PvP, Archer, Sumo, Spleef, Skywars, Build UHC and even Bridges! Inside the menu you can preview the contents of a kit by shift-clicking on its name.

Useful Commands
  • /day -> Makes it daytime on your screen (cosmetic only)
  • /duel <name> -> Directly challenge someone to a fight
  • /night -> Makes it nighttime on your screen (cosmetic only)
  • /party -> Manage a party
  • /ping -> Simple bad ping test
  • /report <name> <reason> -> Report cheaters to staff
  • /ranks -> Shows your current rank and lists all possible ranks and their elo requirements
  • /spectate <name> -> Spectate a player that's currently fighting
  • /stats OR /elo -> View a detailed analysis of your elo and K/D

Lastly, I want to give a special thanks specifically to @GRIMI_ , @Xerxers , @Dday694 , and @camster65 for helping build the spawn and arenas, to @blalp for extensive backend help, and to anyone who helped with testing everything out!

Hope you all have fun and best of luck! :)
I enjoy the act of xD-ing, like if you agree