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Started by AutoHandler, Apr 19, 2021, 12:38 AM

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In-game Nickname: NicotineBuzz

   Forum username: NicotineBuzz

   Why were you banned ?:
   I was banned for using a racial slur allegedly.

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   Hold up hold up, I be talkin on the server rappin and stuff, so I ask the staff, is it cool if I say n*gga when I be rappin if not that's cool I won't you feel me? They be saying no you cannot so I say cool I won't no big deal it ain't a problem. Well they global ban me from the whole jawn. I was on skyblock trying to level up my island trying to show my dedication to the server and I get banned for it. I really ain't call nobody the n word I just asked is it allowed when I'm rappin. No warning, just a ban. I don't understand it, it's just my culture you feel me? I'm north philly strawberry mansion area, I work and come play and vibe out with everyone and now I get global banned for just a question. Don't unban me from survival, but I really was rockin with skyblock not causing no trouble. I even was playing minigames with Darren on creative we were all having a good time.  I just feel like it ain't right. Please let me know what you think about the situation.

   Extra Information:
   Tell me how you feel about it so I can be unbanned and improve myself to not have a situation like this again you feel me?
Are you banned? Click here to request an unban.


And I get it, it can't be said to people but it's my culture and I thought I could rap it. I am deeply sorry I just want to play skyblock.


And also let me rephrase by what I said. I really meant I got no warning after I asked the question, and my ban said I ignored warnings, but I did not say it again and I seriously was not going to it was all cool, but I guess the staff just banned me anyways. And I also tried to reach out to staff on discord but nobody added me back. I would enjoy to have a conversation with one of them because I want to fix what I did.


Hello again NicotineBuzz! I'm the staff member that banned you this time.

First off I'd like to address your claim of not having any warning.
You've ignored warnings for at least the following:

- Not copypasting / "rapping" into chat.
You were asked not to, but still did so, simple as that.

- Not mentioning/bringing up your Survival ban.
Lady_Carissa warned you that you would be globally banned if you continued doing it, yet you still did.

- Use of the N word.
A Mod had to sit and explain to you why we don't allow, and you were banned on Survival after saying it.
Which I'll add to, we have never allowed it. As someone who likes to mention that he joined in 2011, you should be well aware of this fact. :)

To go with what I mentioned above. You also chose to annoy, bother, and harass staff on Survival, from our other servers. Even the same staff that you were harassing when you were banned last.

You're an old player, as old as I am, so it's really disappointing that even after all the chances you've been given, you still choose to act like this.

In conclusion, your unban request is denied.
Please don't bother posting another one, as it will be discarded.