[CLOSED][Competition] Halloween Skin Contest!

Started by Green_Giant, Oct 03, 2015, 09:53 PM

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Oct 03, 2015, 09:53 PM Last Edit: Oct 31, 2015, 11:54 AM by Green_Giant

Judging will happen soon - see the last few posts on this thread for more information.

Hey everyone! As you all hopefully know, October as arrived. This also means that Halloween is just around the bend so let's get creative and festive! As you can probably tell by the title of this post, Jinxie and I have decided to host a skin creation contest! This was inspired by the Halloween themed versions of our skins that we created last year and will also be wearing this year.

Rules and Requirements:
:bone: Your skin must go along with the theme of Halloween in some way or another. The link between your skin and the theme can be less obvious if you like, so long as you state how it links in your submission.
:bone: The skin you submit must be your own creation. If you used any other skins for inspiration (for example the eyes) please mention that in your submission. We will be checking the authenticity of your skins, so please don't cheat!
:bone: Please upload your skin either as a collection of images showing all sides, or a link to the skin on Skindex (This requires signing up to http://www.minecraftskins.com/). Make a reply to this post with images or a link.
:bone: No need to rush! You have until October 30th at 10 PM GMT to submit your entry, so take your time and make sure it's as good as you can make it. Only one entry per person please.
:bone: Be creative! Remember, we won't just be judging how your skin looks, but also the idea behind it. If you made a skin that you think looks bad, don't worry! Post it anyway!

There's a lot of cool prizes for this Event, including valuables, custom items (created by our supreme overlord Evil Towelie himself!) heads, and 400,000 EMP Bucks. Along with miscellaneous items aswel! Here is some screenshots:

Prize Donators:
:bone: Evil Towelie - Custom items and valuables.
:bone: Myself - Valuables and the sponge.
:bone: Jinxie - 150,000 EMP Bucks.
:bone: MINIREES - Player and mob heads.
:bone: FinalTest - Donated a Wither head.
:bone: MasterX70 - A stack of Lapis Lazuli blocks, Skullsplitter Axe, Iron Man's Grappling Hook, a spooky custom potion, a stack of pumpking pies, a stack of golden apples, a stack of cookies, a stack of Pumpkins and 150,000 EMP Bucks! Thankyou very much!
:bone: Chill2000 - Evil_Towelie head! Spooky!
:bone: xaliejx - 100,000 EMP Bucks, 32 diamond blocks, 10 name-tags, 1 horse egg along with a saddle and diamond armour, 1 wolf egg and a cute fox banner! Thanks for large donation!

Want to donate to the prize? Hit up either myself or Jinxie in-game, or send me a forum pm with a screenshot of your payment, and i'll add it. Thanks for reading, looking forward to seeing all your great entries!


Do we have to change our skin for the event or just provide a file?


Oct 03, 2015, 10:11 PM #2 Last Edit: Oct 04, 2015, 06:48 PM by Jinxie
Here is a little inspiration for your skins. We made these last year.
Remember to try and be more creative than us <3 Stand out from the rest!

Quote from: American_Seal on Oct 03, 2015, 10:08 PMDo we have to change our skin for the event or just provide a file?
We'd prefer it if you just send screenshots or a possible link! However, if you really want to wear them, do so, it is Halloween after all. :)


Updated the prize! Thanks FinalTest for donating a wither head! :D


Well then, this Halloween, WE WILL



Oct 04, 2015, 12:38 AM #7 Last Edit: Oct 14, 2015, 05:43 AM by BritanniaRules
Somebody needs to be first second I suppose :)

I'm BritanniaRules, I pretend to be a zombie (with a pretend mask) but for Halloween I've been bitten by a zombie turning me into a real zombie version of BritanniaRules pretending to be a zombie!!! make sense??? xd

Before (current skin) & After



jackson was a nice kid until one day there was a school play where he was the star of the show he played as a slave that was supposed to be hung but made it out alive. a group of kids decided to play a prank on him, a cruel one... the prank was to make the rope at the gallow longer so he would get scared and run off during the play. but on the day of the play the prank went wrong.. the rope at the gallow wasn't long enough so when the kids pulled the lever he died the kids where scared and decided to shut the lights and grab jackson. as they drove off to dump him in the woods he wasn't there anymore they thought he survived and walked out. on halloween night when the moon is full jackson looks for 4 students that attend high school and hangs them on the big oak tree just outside his high school. every halloween people drop by the high school and give him nice things like computers or headphones and whoever dared to take stuff from him would get their life taken away.

 :redflower: :redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower:

:heart:You MUST learn to help yourself. Thats how you become stronger. :heart:


Oct 04, 2015, 03:28 AM #9 Last Edit: Oct 04, 2015, 01:18 PM by MasterX70
Initially I was going to go with a Werewolf-esc thing, but then I remembered that I'm not really that big of a fan of them. However, I've always been interested in the way many Werewolf designs have the transformation stretch and contort the human form into something different. So I kinda ran with that and the idea of "being transformed under the full moon's light". Inspirations came from the Terror Mask from Splatterouse, and the Hollows from Bleach.
Sorry for the gridlines. p;

Oh! And thank you both for hosting this. ;3



Imma Enter :D  :fish: is the clue to meh coustume


So, we don't really celebrate Halloween in Greece even though I'm half-British... So I'll celebrate it on SFT!!!

As for the skin competiton I have made a scarier edition of my skin (The Phantom of the Opera). I call this skin The Dead of the Opera. It is based on my a skin which I had uploaded on Skindex a long time ago (http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/3943733/the-phantom-of-the-opera/) but I have made a lot of changes to it. Summarising, the whole thing is mine.
Screenshots :


All I did was edit my non-holiday skin to look halloweeny. The resemblance to my old skin is the hair which has not been altered and my skin colour is the same. I have found no inspiration from anybody (except from the creeper mouth which is from the game).

I don't know how to put pictures in otherwise I would have.



Here's a picture of me and Frankie in our Halloween skins!


Amazing entries so far, thanks everyone! Remember though, you've still got the better part of a month to create and enter, so there is no rush to get all entries in on the first day. :P If you create a better version of a skin you've already entered, private message me and we'll see what we can do about resubmissions. And it doesn't just have to be a "halloween-ified" version of your skin either, it can be something completely different. :P Looking forward to seeing more of everyone's creativity!


Oct 04, 2015, 12:20 PM #15 Last Edit: Oct 04, 2015, 06:33 PM by katoon123



i was hoping I could get a photo of it in the editor but this will have to do


Entries are really impressive! Keep em' coming!


Oct 04, 2015, 04:26 PM #19 Last Edit: Oct 04, 2015, 06:44 PM by Green_Giant
stath0405's entry. He asked me to submit it for him since he couldn't take a screenshot of it.


Oct 04, 2015, 05:26 PM #20 Last Edit: Oct 04, 2015, 06:05 PM by Sassygamer
@Green_Giant Is there a prize for minecraft pocket edition (0.12) or no?


Quote from: Sassygamer on Oct 04, 2015, 05:26 PM@Green_Giant Is there a prize for minecraft pocket edition (0.12) or no?
Nope never played on there. The prize is for the Survival server only unfortunately. You can still enter just for fun though if you like.



I just color-swapped my normal suit with some more halloweeny colors :D



after like 3 fails, I finally got it again. Little cliché. But heck, made myself evil.
Quote from: Towelie on Dec 16, 2015, 09:12 AMI'd still like to see the nativity scene re-enacted in minecraft while I eat popcorn and mock Christians
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 17, 2016, 08:45 AMSending me any inappropriate pictures will cause you to get banned (unless you are a female and 18+)